Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hubud Drill

I really like hubud lubud as a skill improving drill. Hubud, like many of the sensitivity drills used in JKDC, helps keep the training effective without having to worry about competing with your partner. Sensitivity drills are about Self Perfection. My partners and I train these drills not to compete with each other, but to improve our understanding and application of the skills listed below.

The trapping found in Wing Chun, Jun Fan and Jeet Kune Do Concepts:

Pak sao, Lop sao, Jao sao, Jut sao, Huen Sao, Quan Sao..etc.

While trapping I also work the timing needed to enter with foot maneuvers, hooking the feet, tai chi pushes...

Low line kicking, pulls, joint locks,jab/cross,headbutts,knees and elbows, throws,eye jabs/rakes,sweeps,trips...etc.

You can also add a knife or stick to the drill.

You can practice it static then insert the footwork, Body movements, resistance, standing and kneeling...etc.

Its a fun drill.

SGT Goynes